Volume Two (2009): Dialogues & Exchanges
ISSN: 1946-1992

* 5 Articles
* 1 Interview
* 6 Book Reviews
Two of those articles first appeared as conference papers during our 2009 Appositions e-conference. For the closing remarks and special features from that event, please visit this page: http://appositions.blogspot.com/2009/02/welcome-message.html.
Presenters at our annual e-conference are invited to submit article-length versions of their papers for our standard peer-review process at the journal while we review manuscripts during our submission period, October through April.
Conference presentation does not guarantee journal publication, but we do hope that our electronic forum may generate useful commentary on works-in-progress.
The rest of the documents gathered and published here were submitted independently of the 2009 e-conference.
APPOSITIONS: Studies in Renaissance / Early Modern Literature & Culture
Volume Two (2009): Dialogues & Exchanges
Micah Donohue, “Reading between the Letters: Utopia as Mirror and Desire”
Tim Gerhard, “Chimène’s Dilemma: the Aesthetic and Political Formation of the French State in Pierre Corneille’s Le Cid”
Sharon Hampel, “Memory-Illuminating Fire: Lear, Hegel, and History”
Katherine Heavey, “Pedantry, Paraphrase or Potty Humour? The Art of Translating Ovid’s Heroides in 1680”
Ian MacInnes, “‘Some Gothicq barbarous hand’: Poetry and foreign policy in Samuel Daniel’s ‘Epistle to Prince Henry’”
Anne Greenfield, “Aphra Behn Today, on the Stage and in the Academy: An Interview with Jessica Munns”
Angelica Duran, review of: Is Milton Better than Shakespeare?, by Nigel Smith, Harvard University Press (Cambridge, 2008)
Doug Eskew, review of: Shakespeare and the Culture of Paradox, by Peter G. Platt, Ashgate Publishing (Farnham, England, and Burlington, VT, 2009)
Jack Heller, review of: Quoting Death in Early Modern England: The Poetics of Epitaphs Beyond the Tomb, by Scott L. Newstok, Palgrave Macmillan (Basingstoke, Hampshire, and New York, 2009)
John Newton, review of: The Quest for Shakespeare: The Bard of Avon and the Church of Rome, by Joseph Pearce, Ignatius Press (San Francisco, 2008)
Emily Speller, review of: The Complete Works of John Milton: Volume II. The 1671 Poems: Paradise Regain’d and Samson Agonistes, ed. Laura Lunger Knoppers, Oxford University Press (Oxford, 2009)
Timothy Wutrich, review of: Culture and Sacrifice: Ritual Death in Literature and Opera, by Derek Hughes, Cambridge University Press (Cambridge, 2007)
In our opinion, we have assembled a robust gathering of works that all strike a vital balance between traditional and innovative concerns in the field. The content speaks/reads for itself, but, of course, we also welcome your participation.
Appositions is designed for commentary and open-access. You may post your questions and comments via the “post a comment” link at the bottom of each document page.
We hope you enjoy your visit, and that you’ll share Appositions with your colleagues, friends, and students.
—The Editors
22 / 12 [5, 1, 6] = journal submissions / publications [articles, interview, reviews]
APPOSITIONS: Studies in Renaissance / Early Modern Literature & Culture, http://appositions.blogspot.com/, ISSN: 1946-1992, Volume Two (2009): Dialogues & Exchanges
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