ISSN: 1946-1992
Volume Three (2010):
Digital Archives & the Field of Production

In Volume Three of APPOSITIONS: Studies in Renaissance / Early Modern Literature & Culture, you will find:
* 5 Articles
* 5 Book Reviews
One of those articles first appeared as a conference paper during our 2010 Appositions e-conference. For the closing remarks from that event, please visit this page: http://appositions.blogspot.com/2010/02/welcome-message.html.
Presenters at our annual e-conference are invited to submit article-length versions of their papers for our standard peer-review process at the journal while we review manuscripts during our submission period, October through April. Conference presentation does not guarantee journal publication, but we do hope that our electronic forum may generate useful commentary on works-in-progress.
The rest of the documents gathered and published here were submitted independently of the 2010 e-conference.
APPOSITIONS: Studies in Renaissance / Early Modern Literature & Culture
ISSN: 1946-1992
Volume Three (2010):
Digital Archives & the Field of Production
Elizabeth Scott-Baumann & Ben Burton,
Encoding Form: A proposed database of poetic form
Dorothea Heitsch,
Renaissance Soul-Searching (1555-1584):
Maurice Scève, Jacques Peletier du Mans, Pierre de Ronsard, Guillaume Du Bartas, René Bretonnayau
Colleen E. Kennedy,
“Do You Smell a Fault?”:
Detecting and Deodorizing King Lear’s Distinctly Feminine Odor
George Klawitter,
Andrew Marvell’s Use of John Donne: “The Definition of Love”
Andrew Russ,
Four Diseases of Social Speech in “Hamlet”
Claire Bordelon, reviewing:
John Bowes, Richard Brathwait: The First Lakeland Poet. Hugill Publications (2007).
Elizabeth H. Hageman, reviewing:
Ann Hollinshead Hurley and Chanita Goodblatt, eds., Women Editing/Editing Women: Early Modern Women Writers and the New Textualism. Cambridge Scholars Publishing (2009).
Sheri L. McCord, reviewing:
Rebecca Laroche, Medical Authority and Englishwomen’s Herbal Texts, 1550-1650. Ashgate Publishing (2009).
Kathryn Vomero Santos, reviewing:
Amy Greenstadt, Rape and the Rise of the Author: Gendering Intention in Early Modern England. Ashgate Publishing (2009).
Adam Swann, reviewing:
Nicholas McDowell and Nigel Smith, eds., The Oxford Handbook of Milton. Oxford University Press (2009).
In our opinion, we have assembled a robust gathering of works that all strike a vital balance between traditional and innovative concerns in the field. The content speaks/reads for itself, but, of course, we also welcome your participation.
Appositions is designed for commentary and open-access. You may post your questions and comments via the “post a comment” link at the bottom of each document page.
We hope you enjoy your visit, and that you’ll share Appositions with your colleagues, friends, and students.
—The Editors
APPOSITIONS: Studies in Renaissance / Early Modern Literature & Culture, http://appositions.blogspot.com/, ISSN: 1946-1992, Volume Three (2010): Digital Archives